Ultraman's Castle

I have been a huge fan of Ultraman since I was only 3. For those who don't know, Ultraman is the name of a tokusatsu character, Meaning that Ultraman is made from Japan. And also, The genre has shows and movies about the tokusatsu genre. Some like Kamen Rider are tokusatsu, And some great examples are Godzilla and Gamera, And some obscure ones like Spectreman.
But when I was 7, I saw a commercial for a amusement park, Open all through the months and years called "Ultraman's Castle", In which I saw a show of it, Of the same name, With people dressed up as the aliens, monsters and main human characters, With the helpful monsters, Aliens and Ultras as the hosts, Engaged to playing these games, Such as sitting on a cockpit-like object, Were the contestants roll down, Trying not to fall, On the spraying water, Or fall into the water, Beneath, Basically a giant water slide.
But when I was 24, I heard on the news that unfortunately, That the original amusement park of Ultraman, Has been shutdown, Due to unknown causes. When I heard this, I literally broke my heart. Seeing that an amusement park based on my childhood hero is closed, Not seen by many, And will soon rot. But through the years, It was the early 2000s, Most specifically, 2006-07 were I went to eBay to check out some kaiju stuff, Until I went to the ultraman figures page.
That was when, I literally, Yelled, Happily, At the top of my lungs. To the point were my dad came to see, Whats up with me. I yelled to him that I was gonna order a "ton" of these ultra figures to which it creeped out my father. But the thing was that I had a promotion at my job, And soon gave loan of 250 $. Cha-Ching!, I said as I heard it and soon I worked the tutorials at my job and afterwards, My Boss gave me the dollars and I sped home on an empty road through a mountainous forest and I listened to Gorillaz' hit song, DARE, and volume 100, With me having my sunglasses on.
Soon I reached home, Entered my eBay account and ordered the hell out of every figure. Every now and then, Like 12 or 13 days or so I would get 2 or 3 figures in the mail, In which it expanded to my small collection. In which I had the figures (I well tell my list so shut up), Of, Ultraman, Ultraseven, Ultraman Ace, Ultraman Cosmos, Ultraman Tiga, Windam, Agira, Miclas, Antlar, Dinosaur Tank, U-Killersaurus, Melba, King Joe, Zetton, Garamon, Alien Baltan, King Gesura, Kelbeam, Hoe, Red King, Black King, Twin Tail, Monsarger, Salamandora, Gomora, Eleking, Tyrant, Mukadender, Golza, Bemular, Kanegon and Doragory.
Soon I heard, Again, In the computer that there is a challenge to travel to the abandoned Ultraman's castle, And soon I Signed in, To have my lucky chance, And soon, That will become a reality soon. Upon a week, I was elected as the lucky winner, And many who wanted to go, Tolled me to get a goPro to record was in there, And soon, I was in a bay, To head north were the supposed island is, Which was somewhere between, Japan and Taiwan.
To see that the waters were foggy, And soon the people who signed in and the people who made it and were associated, Gave me a boat, And those giant sicks things that you paddle with, And I took some food and snacks I was hungry, And soon, The people, Waved to me, As I slowly paddled to my foggy destination.
Soon, After 3 hours of paddling, I was sweating for some unknown reason until I saw it. The shape of the island was revealed. It was soon that I saw that it was rotting, and soon was in bad shape, And for good luck, I took a SONY Camera to take pictures and record, And soon pressed the record button on his headgear GoPro Camera and soon, I was going to the abandoned paths and buildings.
I saw the trail, In which most tourists would be, Main Street, Where cafes, Gift shops and other similar buildings were. I soon ventured into every abandoned building, The one is started was a café/Restaurant called, Valky's Space Café, In which the main café mascot, Is Alien Valky, From Ultraman Leo. It's logo was, "Come to space, To eat a morning breakfast, In Space!".
I looked and soon, I saw merchandise of Alien Valky figures, And saw an old TV that still worked, And I saw commercials, That involved Japanese shows, But mostly ultraman, And I saw this one commercial, That I recorded in my SONY Camera and my GoPro, Obviously. The commercial was ine nglish since I changed it to English, With the TV remote on it's top. The commercial started with Alien Valky saying, "Woah, Looks like a got to cook, But I need my friends to help me!", Then that's when Birdon, From Ultraman Taro, Jumped out of nowhere and said :I will help You!", With Birdon having a chef's hat and that clothing in which it straps around the individual's neck, Like in cartoons, And it said, "Gotta Love Mama Bird!" and soon, Alien Valky said, "Oh Hi Birdon, What brings you here?".
"Well, I heard what you said and I came to help!" said Birdon as he replied. Watching this commercial gave me that nostalgia-type feeling. Soon after hearing a bit of this, The monster, Gan Q, Who was a giant eyeball with legs and arms, and a whole body, Came out of a portal, And said, "Food, I WILL HELP!" and soon I said, "Oh boy we got a good one!" and soon after seeing the commercial, I actually shed a tear of joy. And soon, I took pictures, But the strange thing was that the cooking room had it's light on, And I saw left over food, such as a PB&J Sandwich, A BBQ steak and a moldy raw piece of duck.
Soon I left it and I went to the gift shop, And saw a TON, and I mean, TONS, Of Ultraman merchandise and soon I took pictures and I left, And I saw the old water park, Within the park, And I saw, was an empty giant pool, With only a bit of dirty, Black water within it's abandoned pool, The slides were not functional, And I soon saw an old cardboard of the monster character, Pigmon, with saying, 4'6 to join any of the water slides.
Soon I left and saw some of the abandoned roller coasters and what not. Soon I went to the characters costume room and I saw old costumes of the show, But before I took pictures, It looked foul inside as I first looked. But soon, My heart stopped.
I saw what almost looked like a warehouse. What I saw was that their were hooks on the character suits on, In bad conditions. A suit of the monster, Garamon, Had been covered in moss, And was covered in gangrene. Two half-suit Ultraman Joneus suits with purple paint colored on their orb in the chest and eyes. A suit of the monster Gora, Had a black substance that almost looked like tar, Was pouring from his cone-shaped mane pieces. I saw that the walls had blood, And saw a decapitated suit of the coin monster, Kanegon, With blood coming out, Slowly. And I saw the other suits of Alien Baltan, M1, Eleking and Alien Icarus, in rusting condition.
BUT SOON, The door opened, Revealing a bloody Pigmon suit walking towards me, With distorted, Black, hollow eyes, In which it freaked me out, And I soon recorded it, And ran out the room, And the entrance of the door, I saw two more bloody costumes of the monsters Veron, And Sasahiller walking towards me, And I soon started to run, But those costumes just walked towards me. Until I accidentally hit a food stand cart, In which the character of Alien Baltan, In a mangled position, and what to be believed some chopped up organ parts, Stuck, On his pinchers, And had bloody eyes, In which I called him "RedEye".
I soon ran for my life, With me running up the stairs were the entrance to the park was almost their, And I was recording It. While running up the stares, I saw fire and soon I saw the monster, Jamila, Covered in mud and toy flags, If he were to fall in a mud puddle, And I remembered in the episode were he was defeated, His weakness was water, and got covered in mud soon as he was defeated. Soon he roared a slow roar of his and I ran for my life, Passing towards him, Revealing that the bloody Pigmon, Veron, Sasahiller and mangled Alien Baltan suits were right behind me.
Soon, Again, I was running were main street was and I saw the character of Black King, Running towards me, And I ran as fast as I can, But he pounced on me, And soon scratched me and bit me, Until I saw that he was in this form of a zombie position and I kicked him off, And soon ran towards the beach, And then towards the the dock, In which I parked my boat and paddles. I soon saw the bodies, Of various kaiju, Including: Gabura, Dada, Agira, Kingsaurus III, Yametaranese, Yapool, Zetton, Gromite, Angrilla, Gan Q, Birdon, Alien Valky and Gyango, In which he was split in half.
Soon I ran towards my boat in which surprisingly enough, Had a jet boost, Connected to it, And ton of buttons to control it, With a steering wheel, And soon saw the bodies of Booska, And Alien Icarus, All with bloody water, And then I soon starting the boat and I sped off, And I saw a note in which it read:
"This is kaiju Booska, I have been surviving out here and soon, All monsters, Well
Most are all dead, Some survive in which happy, And some became evil, Such as my
Good friend Pigmon who was demonized by Alien Baltan, Along with Jamila. Soon I will
Stab myself to end the suffering and soon, I hope you will survive, Goodbye."
When I red this, I was crying up until a good 30 minutes of searching for the dock, I soon met them and I soon said to them, "It's been a long day", Until I fainted, And I woke up in my bed, With my fellow peeps who wanted to go there, I yelled, "THIS IS A FUCKING PIECE OF CREEPY ASS SHIT PLACE, YPU SHOULD NOT GO THERE!!!!", At the top of my lungs, and I showed them the pictures and footage, To while reacting, They were shocked. Soon, The guys who made this, In which I found out were my friends, Brian and Alec, They closed the petition, To re-Open this old amusement park. I soon went back home, And soon I went to sleep and had nightmares for weeks, Soon I had to move in with Alec, To relief those moments and soon, I will inform you, Never, Go to this place, Ever again.